Except as noted**, Test Entries will open IN MID-FEBRUARY to MINNESOTA CHAPTER MEMBERS ONLY.  Open to non-chapter members March 1st.  You can JOIN HERE


May 10-11 Natural Ability-Four Brooks WMA-Milaca, MN

June 21-22 Natural Ability, Utility Prep, Utility-Four Brooks WMA-Milaca, MN

July 19-20 Natural Ability-Four Brooks WMA-Milaca, MN

Aug 16-17 Natural Ability, Utility Prep, Utility-IRRC-Virginia, MN

Aug 23-24  Utility Prep, Utility-Four Brooks WMA-Milaca, MN

Sep 6-7 Natural Ability-Four Brooks WMA-Milaca, MN (**Entries will open mid April)

NAVHDA International Test Policies

Dogs are eligible for Natural Ability testing up to and including the day they reach 16 months of age.  Dogs over 16 months may be run for evaluation only (No Prize can be awarded) and only if space is available.  There is no minimum or maximum age limit on Utility Preparatory or Utility Dogs.

In order to run in any NAVHDA test, the dog must be registered with NAVHDA and the Owner (or at least ONE co-owner) and the Handler (if different from the Owner) must be members of NAVHDA International.

All dogs entered in NAVHDA tests must be NAVHDA registered and have a NAVHDA registration number. This number begins with two letters identifying the breed and is NOT the same as a person’s NAVHDA membership number. Neither is it a number issued by any other registry.

Minnesota Chapter of  NAVHDA Test Policies

A handler may enter and run a maximum of two dogs per testing day.  This policy is in effect up to 10 days prior to the test date. At that time the handler may enter and run any number of dogs, subject to availability of test openings.

Test Entries will open mid-February to Handlers who are verified chapter members.     Entries will open to non-chapter members starting March 1st.  An entry is not official until the test secretary verifies all dog and owner/handler information required by NAVHDA has been provided and full payment has been received.

Minnesota NAVHDA Test Refund Policy

NAVHDA Youth Testing Incentive Program  (75% test fee refund for youth Handlers 18 and under)