Last fall, as the newly placed Board of Directors began work to prepare the Chapter for the 2020 training and testing season, it became apparent that the current Bylaws were outdated, left many gray areas open to interpretation, and did not account for the use of technologies we have available today.
Some of the areas that the Board felt needed to be updated were:
- Update the Chapter Mission Statement
- Add clarity about Board nominations and voting procedures.
- Update Board and Appointed positions and responsibilities.
- Eliminate the Director of Promotions position to get the Board to an “odd number” of Directors for voting purposes and add more Appointed positions to spread out the workload.
- Acknowledge the need for the use of email, a website and social media for communication with the membership, and allow for electronic voting when necessary.
- Provide for recognition that there are other policies and programs adopted by the Board from time-to-time that should be documented and recorded as Appendices to the Bylaws.
The Current Chapter Bylaws provide that:
Article VII: Bylaw Amendments.
- Section 1: Amendments to the bylaws will be voted on by the membership with a two-thirds majority of Members present needed to pass.
- Section 2: Members must be notified of amendments two weeks prior to the annual meeting.
This week, The Board of Directors of the Minnesota Chapter of NAVHDA unanimously voted 8-0 that these Proposed Updated Bylaws be distributed to the members so that they can be voted on for approval at the Annual Meeting.
The 2020 Annual Meeting and Fable Fest is scheduled for Saturday Feb 1st. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Your 2020 Minnesota Chapter of NAVHDA Board of Directors