Based on the feedback from the Northern Groups Committee, The chapter Board of Directors unanimously approved the following proposals at the June 21st Board meeting.

We look forward to helping the Pineridge Grouse Camp group form a new NAVHDA chapter, and continuing the relationship with the Virginia group.

  • Iron Range Retriever Club (IRRC) NAVHDA Group Proposal:  Based on feedback that came from the Committee  about forming any new chapter(s) in the Northern part of the state, Minnesota NAVHDA will do the following for the group based at  the Iron Range Retriever Club (IRRC):
    • Continue to sponsor a NAVHDA test at these grounds provided that:
      • The test is on the 3rd weekend in August. 
      • This group must reserve these dates and negotiate their own grounds fees for the test with the IRRC.   
        • Prior to January 15th of the year of the test, this group must notify the Chapter Director of Testing of:
          • Who the Test Secretary will be.
          • Who the Test Coordinator will be. (If different than Secretary)
          • What the grounds fees will be.
        • The chapter will request approval of the test with NAVHDA, set and collect test fees and pay test expenses. Any other chapter policies related to tests will be in effect.
      • To be consistent with the chapter Mission Statement, the group Testing and Training at the IRRC must identify a person or persons that can be contacted for any NAVHDA training inquiries for the IRRC grounds and this person(s) contact info will be published on
  • Pineridge Grouse Camp (PGC) NAVHDA Group Proposal:  Based on feedback that came from the Committee about forming any new chapter(s) in the Northern part of the state, Minnesota NAVHDA will do the following for the group based at  the Pineridge Grouse Camp (PGC):
    • Support and assist this group with making applications with NAVHDA for the formation of a new chapter, as long as the application is made by Sept 1st, 2022.
    • When the new chapter is recognized by NAVHDA and a bank account is established, Minnesota NAVHDA will send $4,000.00 to the new chapter.
    • Any equipment purchased by Minnesota NAVHDA for this group will be gifted as well.  (Approximate value $1,000.00).
    • Provide advice and assistance as needed going forward.  
      • Establishing Bylaws.
      • Establishing website and online payment systems.
      • Sourcing Birds
      • Consulting on training schedule & events.
      • Consulting on Test management