Hello, Minnesota Chapter Members,

We hope you are all staying safe and taking this time to spend with your 2 legged and 4 legged family members.  Your Chapter Board had an emergency teleconference last night and we want to share the following with you:


NAVHDA International has cancelled all their sponsored events through June 30th, which includes our two May tests, and our May Aims & Rules (Handler) Clinic.   Full announcement is here.  Natural Ability dogs who were entered into tests will receive a waiver on the 16 month age requirement if they need it and wish to enter another test later in 2020.  Our August test is full, and we have closed entries to our remaining September tests, and are looking to possibly reschedule a test for sometime in July to accommodate those affected by the May cancellations.    We will be reaching out to all  of those Handlers in the next week or so with details on all remaining 2020 testing plans and the refund process for those who no longer want to test.

The May 2nd & 3rd Aims & Rules (Handler) Clinic will NOT be rescheduled.  The MOCK NA Test scheduled for May 2nd is also Cancelled.  Those entered in these events will be notified individually by email and refunds will be issued.



Due to the “Minnesota Stay At Home” order being extended to May 4th, and  common sense social distancing practices, we are also cancelling the Steadiness Clinic on April 25th & 26th.  Those entered in that event will be notified individually by email and refunds will be issued.  For the same reasons, at this time we cannot organize any official chapter group training.   We do want to remind everyone that to be on the grounds at Kelley Farms & Four Brooks, you must have a pass. For those of you that want access to grounds, you can obtain passes by contacting:

  • Kelley Farms-Steve Grogan 651-439-3575    Annual pass & sticker $375
  • Four Brooks-Jeff Pleskac mn.navhda.fourbrooks@gmail.com  Annual pass & sticker $25
  • We no longer have access to Major Ave Hunt Club in Glencoe

Please be respectful of the grounds and do not tear them up.  Close gates!

We are trying to figure out a plan to make birds available to members, but as of right now, nothing is concrete on that.

Thanks everyone.

Your Minnesota Chapter NAVHDA Board of Directors

Hello Chapter Members,

In response to the concern over current events, we have cancelled our next group training event on March 29th at Four Brooks.  We are monitoring the current situation and taking a wait and see attitude with respect to any of our Events after April 1st.

Assuming that our 2 tests in May can still be held, our  Board of Directors has decided that we will not be providing lunches at these events.  All Handlers, participants and Volunteers will be notified individually by email as more information is known.  You can also periodically check this website’s pages for any new information.

We had over 90 responses to our training survey, and it is now closed.  Thanks to all those that responded!  We will be reaching out to all respondents  to try to form smaller, more focused focused training groups than we have in years past.  Small groups may be the ONLY way we can hold any training this spring.  We will see.  If you are a chapter member and are  interested in training with us this year and did not fill out the survey, please send an email to training@mnnavhda.org

In the meantime, please reference this Training Resources Page   for information about NAVHDA related training principles and content.

Thanks everyone.  Hang in there!

Pete Aplikowski

MN NAVHDA-President




Hello chapter members, this warm weather seems to have really gotten people’s blood pumping about training & testing season.  We are fielding an increasing amount of emails and calls, so I thought it would be helpful to send out this update.

*Anybody with a Kelley Farms grounds pass please use extreme care and caution the next few weeks if going out to run your dogs.  The roads will be extremely soft and please do not tear them up.  Ideally, it would be best to stay away from there the next few weeks, but if you go, park by main gates and walk-in only-thank you!


Due to strong demand for Test entry slots this year, we have added a day of testing slots at our May 15th, 16th, 17th Natural Ability Test at Four BrooksThere are a few slots still available to chapter members only.  Although the test is still marked as “Full”, on our website, please contact test secretary Jacob Tillman at jacobtillman80@gmail.com to see if there are openings, and he will send you the registration info.  You will need the password. Do not delay, as this will soon be opened up to the public to ensure we fill the test.

There are also still a couple slots in our MOCK Natural Ability Test set for Saturday May 2nd at Kelley Farms.   This is open to chapter members only, and to see the Event post you will need the password: navhda

We will be looking for Volunteers at all of our tests in 2020, and it is not too early to get these dates on your calendar.  We also expect those of you who are entered to run a dog in our tests to volunteer to help on a day you are not running.  Please review the dates and contact the Test & Clinic Coordinators if you can help.  No experience is necessary.

We also have an upcoming Training/Testing  Clinic this Saturday March 14th at Cabela’s in Rogers.  Preparing for NAVHDA testing.  There are still openings.


As a chapter, we are making some big shifts in Chapter Training Philosophy.   We are not professional trainers, and will not train your dog FOR you, but we will do our best to provide access to the resources YOU need to assist in training your dog to whatever your testing or hunting goals are.  This includes the information we have on the Training Resources page of this website.  These are things you can study and work on at home or on your own.   We want everybody to have a specific goal in mind when they show up to training this spring, and to come as prepared as possible.  To start thinking about your goals and training processes, please check out these News posts I wrote last winter.

We are getting closer to announcing our Training day information and formation of the summer Training groups.  If you have not done so, please take our Training Survey.  We will be closing this survey later this week, and once we sort through the data, will be forming our smaller training groups.

Wondering about what Judges are looking for when you test your dog?  The Handler Clinic on May 2nd & 3rd is an in-depth look at the AIMS Program & Test Rules book and how the NAVHDA scoring & scorecard system works.  There are still a few openings in this Event.

For a full Overview of all of our upcoming Training & Testing Events, please see the last  Training Events Update or our Full Calendar.

Finally, please check out our Sponsors.  We do have 2 professional trainers as chapter sponsors, and encourage anyone who may not have the time or confidence to train their own dog, or needs specialty help to seek out their services.

Feel free to contact me at pete.aplikowski@mnnavhda.org, or our Director of Training Mitch Carlson at mitch.carlson@mnnavhda.org with any questions as we get rolling into Training season.

Pete Aplikowski-President


If you’ve been in NAVHDA and have had a dog older than a puppy, you’ve probably heard the question, “Have you force fetched your dog?”

FORCE FETCH.  Yikes – sounds scary, eh?  Ok – then let’s just call it “Trained Retrieve”.  Better?  But you say, “My dog is already a natural retriever”, right?    Your dog also loves to run to see you, but still you teach him “Come”. Your dog will naturally lie down on a mat, but yet you teach them the “Down”, or “Place” command.  If you don’t teach them the command, then you have no command to enforce when they might not feel so inclined.  So, it goes with training retrieve.  When the day comes (and trust me it will), when they don’t feel inclined to retrieve something to hand, you’ll have no command that says to them “You Go Do It NOW!”  This simple task becomes a foundation for so much of what we do with our dogs in NAVHDA.

On Saturday February 8th, Minnesota NAVHDA was privileged to have Mark Whalen come here from Poolesville, MD, to put on for us a Force Fetch Clinic.  Mark is a Senior NAVHDA Judge, and the Director of Judge Development for NAVHDA International.  After seeing Mark’s clinic, it suddenly doesn’t seem so scary anymore.

In attendance were 25 NAVHDA members, 15 of whom had their dogs.  Mark walked the participants through the entire process, beginning with teaching the command “Hold”, working to “Fetch”, and continuing to finish the process to clean, reliable retrieves.  While this process varies with each dog, his technique will take most dogs about 12 weeks, making this an ideal activity to do during the winter months, especially since during this process the dog also gets no field work or live birds.  In attendance were dogs at different places along the force fetch timeline, who were able to learn and demonstrate the progressions to the next step.

Mark emphasized mechanics – keeping the basics simple, clear and consistent, and being a stickler in the precision of handling.  He showed the overlaying of commands and technique, including introducing the e-collar into the process.  He explained the use of pressure, and how the dog learns to release the pressure.  Note to the guys out there:  it was notable that the women in the class had a distinct advantage over the men – their use of lavish praise in a high encouraging voice was far more effective than us guys grudgingly giving a low toned, gruffly delivered “good dog”!

While he prefers to do this after the dog has had its first hunting season, he also pointed out that it’s never too late – this can be done with an older dog.  (Old Dog handlers also learned a thing or 2 at the clinic.)  Odds are, you’ll be overlaying to them a command for something that they already do, making it enforceable, and ensuring that the dog finishes the retrieve to hand.  (Given the way that I shoot, that’s a must to keep the cripples from running off if the dog drops it!).

Many thanks to Mark Whalen for coming here to work with us.  Given the length of our winter here, we might as well do something productive now with our dogs, right?

We are attempting to make a BIG shift toward smaller, more focused training groups this year.  Groups of people with dogs at similar ages or levels and with similar training and testing goals.   Ideally, before you show up to the first training night with your dog, we want you to have a specific goal and  a PLAN, and we will do our best to place you in the right group and give you the resources needed to execute that plan and achieve your goals in 2020.  To assist us with this, we are asking all members training with us this year to take the 2020 Training Survey

Weekly Training starts in less than two months.  There are a few Events coming up to be aware of to help you get ready for the training season.  The Training pages of this website will continue to be updated and will have the full schedule but below are a few to be aware of:

We have added a lot of content to the Training pages of our website, and invite all members to check those out as well.  There are a lot of good links to articles, podcasts and Youtube videos for you to explore.

Natural Ability & Puppy Exposure

Utility Preparatory & Utility Training

Articles, Videos & Podcasts

**UPT & UT Handlers: We really want to stress to any Handlers that have plans to test in UPT or UT this year that the key to a productive training season will be to make sure your dog is a RELIABLE retriever of game.  For testing,  dead or wounded chukar & ducks MUST be brought back within reach of the handler to pass the test.  Whatever method you use to train your dog to retrieve is up to you (Positive methods, Force Fetch, Conditioned Retrieve, etc…  Call it what you want, but the work you do on this between now and ice-out will set you & your dog up for success.)  If you want professional help with this please check out the two pro-trainers on our Sponsors Page

Blog Post about Feb 8th Force Fetch Clinic

Questions may be directed to Director of Training Mitch Carlson at: Mitch.Carlson@MNNavhda.org

Last fall, as the newly placed Board of Directors began work to prepare the Chapter for the 2020 training and testing season, it became apparent that the current Bylaws were outdated, left many gray areas open to interpretation, and did not account for the use of technologies we have available today.

Some of the areas that the Board felt needed to be updated were:

  • Update the Chapter Mission Statement
  • Add clarity about Board nominations and voting procedures.
  • Update Board and Appointed positions and responsibilities.
  • Eliminate the Director of Promotions position to get the Board to an “odd number” of Directors for voting purposes and add more Appointed positions to spread out the workload.
  • Acknowledge the need for the use of email, a website and social media for communication with the membership, and allow for electronic voting when necessary.
  • Provide for recognition that there are other policies and programs adopted by the Board from time-to-time that should be documented and recorded as Appendices to the Bylaws.

The Current Chapter Bylaws provide that:

Article VII: Bylaw Amendments.

  • Section 1:        Amendments to the bylaws will be voted on by the membership with a two-thirds majority of Members present needed to pass.
  • Section 2:        Members must be notified of amendments two weeks prior to the annual meeting.

This week, The  Board of Directors of the Minnesota  Chapter of NAVHDA unanimously voted 8-0 that these Proposed Updated Bylaws  be distributed to the members so that they can be voted on for approval at the Annual Meeting.

The 2020  Annual Meeting and Fable Fest is scheduled for Saturday Feb 1st.  We look forward to seeing you all there!

Your 2020 Minnesota Chapter of NAVHDA Board of Directors


Happy New Year Chapter Members!

Hunting season is over for the majority of us, but good luck to those of you still chasing birds in the more southerly states.  Please share your pics on our MN NAVHDA Facebook Page.

Our Annual Meeting and Fable Fest is rapidly approaching and will be held Saturday February 1st from 6-9pm at Chomonix Golf Course Clubhouse in Lino Lakes.  Catch up with your fellow chapter members, share hunting stories and talk about your upcoming training plans.  Please consider donating a wrapped item for our silent auction fundraiser.  It can be serious or funny.  Include a creative hint to entice (or mislead) your fellow bidders.  (Watch out for the Norwegian briefs!  You never know where they will show up.) Chili with all the fixings  will be provided.  Please bring a side dish to share-salads, hot-dishes, and desserts of all types are welcome.  One change this year is that NO Outside alcohol can be brought in.  (New Anoka County Parks Rules.)  There will be a cash bar with beer, wine and liquor at your own expense.    In addition to Officer Reports and a short Business meeting, there will be a VOTE on updating the Chapter Bylaws. Click here for Full Event details.

Minnesota NAVHDA Chapter membership renewals  were due by 12/31.  You can renew online, or do a print & mail option.  Renewals are $40.00.

2020 Training Season kicks off soon.  Follow the links for Registration Info.

  • There are still a few openings for the NEW Winter 10 week Positive Obedience Class geared towards puppies 12 weeks to 12 months old.  Starts Monday January 13th in Stillwater.
  • The traditional Winter Barb Jensen Obedience Class is FULL and closed to entries.
  • The NEW Retrieving/Force Fetch Clinic on Feb 8th is FULL and closed to entries.
  • Training/Preparing for NAVHDA Testing Seminar Saturday March  14th 10am-2pm at Cabelas in Rogers.
  • For the 4th consecutive year, we will be holding a NAVHDA Handler Clinic, on May 2nd & 3rd.  It will be led this year by longtime Chapter member and Senior Judge Terry Petro.  Limited to 20 participants, so sign up early.  These clinics have filled the last 3 years.

Last Year, Our Chapter led the entire NAVHDA system with 16 testing days over 5 weekends.  We are repeating that schedule this year and  our 2020 testing calendar is now published and all tests are open for entries.  New this year is online test form submission and payment options. We encourage those with testing plans to sign up early.  Tests filled quickly last year.

**So that we can help better serve your training needs & goals, we are asking all those who plan on participating in Training this year to complete our 2020 MN NAVHDA Training Survey. Weekly small group Training information will be published by the end of February. **

Lastly, I would like to thank all of our Chapter Sponsors for 2020:

  • Waconia Ford
  • Autumn Breeze Kennels
  • The Natural Hound & Naked Bear Naturals
  • Pete & Kathleen Aplikowski RE/MAX Results Real Estate
  • Jan’s Hanging By A Thread Embroidery By Design
  • Kelley Land & Cattle Company
  • Oakwood Gamebird Producers
  • Sudden Valley Kennels


Pete Aplikowski

MN NAVHDA-President




According to the NAVHDA AIMS book: “The Utility Preparatory Test (UPT) is designed to evaluate a dog midway in its training towards becoming a reliable versatile gun dog.

The Utility Test (UT) is designed for more experienced dogs in an advanced state of training.  It evaluates their ability to perform as reliable versatile gun dogs and demonstrate their physical and mental capability to take training.”

What follows in this article will make more sense if you are familiar with the different segments of the UT test.  You can refer to the NAVHDA AIMS Programs Test Rules

The UPT test requirements allow a dog a bit more slack in Retrieving and Steadiness, but for the sake of this discussion let’s start with looking at how dogs are evaluated and judged at the UT test.

OBEDIENCE:  If you look at the scorecard for the UT test, there are 13 areas where the dog is being judged on Obedience.

RETRIEVING:  Their are 3 different retrieving events on the UT test.   There will be multiple opportunities to retrieve shot birds in the field.  Dead ducks will be retrieved on land & water, and an opportunity to retrieve a live duck is also a possibility during the Search for a Duck.

There is no “right” or “wrong” way to train a versatile dog, and all dogs respond to training differently.  The following steps provide some guidance on the order in which one might consider training a dog for the UPT or UT test without getting bogged down in the various methods of training  retrieving and obedience.

PHASE 1: Retrieving-A dog needs to be a RELIABLE retriever of game to qualify for a prize (pass) this test.  The game it is sent out for MUST come back to the handler to receive a passing score.  Dogs that retrieve reliably to hand with minimal commands achieve the highest scores.     There is NO point in training the segments of the UPT or UT test if your dog does not bring back game RELIABLY.   Having to correct this behavior while actually out running the test event segments during training is a waste of time, birds, and can confuse the dog.  Even if your dog is a very natural retriever, reinforcing that by doing a force fetch or conditioned retrieve process and making sure you use real birds & ducks during the process will pay off on test day, and in the field during hunting season.

PHASE 2: Search for a Duck-A dog needs to achieve a minimum score of 2 out of 4 in this segment to pass the UPT or the UT test.  In general, this means the dog must go out and search for a wounded duck that it did not see fall for a certain amount of time and search a certain amount of the water & cover.  This takes a tremendous amount of independence and desire to work AWAY from the handler.   Dogs that are overly cooperative or have had too much steadiness training BEFORE building this independent love of searching for ducks can often struggle with this part of the test.   High prey drive dogs with a strong passion for ducks can master this task in a short amount of time, and even recover quickly from too much steadiness training. In general, though, it is best to err on the safe side with this and make sure your dog has the GO and loves to search for ducks before you teach it to WHOA ! (Steadiness).  Another  caveat here is to avoid throwing too many objects for your dog during retrieve training, especially at the water.  Dogs that get too accustomed to going on the strong visual cue of a marked object oftentimes have trouble expanding their water search out of the range and distance  they are used to retrieving these items.  Another tip-NEVER train duck search in the presence of a blind at the water.  Dogs learn by association, and we do not want the dog confusing this segment of the test with the “Remain by Blind” portion.

PHASE 3: Heeling-Your dog should have been accustomed to walking on a leash and trained to not pull and have some basic manners while it was a puppy, but now the test requirements call for a much more higher level of obedience.  You will notice on the UT scorecard that the ONLY trait being judged and scored  during  heeling is Obedience.  Teaching a good clean heel with your dog is a very good place to start more advanced obedience because you have a direct connection to the dog to make timely corrections and it can really set the tone for making the dog know you are the boss.  Achieving a good level of Obedience in heeling will pay off big time when you move on to whoa training and steadiness.

PHASE 4:  Field Steadiness (Flush, Wing, Shot, Fall) and Steadiness at Water (Marked Retrieve Sequence)-Whether you train steadiness by the  blind at the water next or move to the field and start working on steady to flush, wing, shot and fall is not critical.  They both involve off leash obedience and training a dog to stay put in the presence of distractions until you release the dog.  There are various ways to train steadiness.  The point I am trying to make is WHEN to work on it, not necessarily HOW.  When training steadiness for the field (Flush-Wing-Shot-Fall), great care should be taken in the amount of pressure being put on the dog in the presence of birds so as not to diminish it’s pointing intensity or it’s field search.  Any use of check cords and e-collars in the presence of birds in this phase need to be done very carefully.  A really solid WHOA foundation BEFORE putting birds down for the dog will really cut down on the number of birds you will need.  In a NAVHDA test, you CANNOT use an e-collar, and being able to STOP a dog that breaks with a verbal WHOA or a whistle can save your bacon!  Verify that you can verbally WHOA your dog in any situation, with any distraction, including in the presence of a flushing bird or multiple birds or running visible birds.

PHASE 5:  Putting it all together-When your dog has shown it has a good understanding of all the UT test segments and is meeting your expectations of performance, it is time to start mixing it up and moving from segment to segment and take note of any problems you see.  A common thing that can happen is that after doing all the steadiness training, the dog’s duck search will diminish and you will have to go back to that for awhile.  When field training, you will also want to make sure you run your dog not just on a couple birds, but do a full 30-45 minute field run in a variety of cover and weather conditions.  Strange things can happen on test day, and you need to be prepared for these and train for these.  If the cover is sparse, and birds are visible and running, can your dog handle it?  Did you train for that?  If birds are grouped up and multiple birds flush, can your dog handle it?  Did you train for that?  If your dog is coning back with a bird on a retrieve and goes on point on another bird, how are you going to handle that?  Did you train for that?  If it is raining and the birds are soaking wet at the test how will your dog react to the change in scent and bird behavior?  Did you train for that?

Prizing or Passing a dog in either the NAVHDA UPT or UT test will be a rewarding experience for the handler. Even obtaining a Prize 3 in UPT shows that you have a useful hunting companion on land and water, before and after the shot.



All new puppy owners take pride in seeing their dog’s first few “points” and snapping a few quick photos to commemorate them.   It is a beautiful thing to see that inherent natural trait come out in a pup, and sometimes also a relief if it comes easily, since some dogs need more specialized exposure to bring out their inherent pointing instinct.  (That is a topic for another discussion.)

Once a new puppy owner gets a few photos of their dog on a nice pretty point, there can be a natural rush to keep advancing the dog into steadiness training, especially if that first hunting season is approaching.  Having a dog that is at least “steady to wing”, is a big step in improving the safety of the dog, and increasing the hunter’s chances of bagging game.  That said, for young pups, especially prior to their Natural Ability Test, caution should be taken in advancing to obedience work like steadiness and retrieve training.

While initial bird exposure and building search desire is vitally important to the development of a young bird dog, this is a period of a pup’s development where an owner/handler should exercise caution and not be in a hurry.  Some key NAVHDA principles can provide some guidance with this.

In the NAVHDA Natural Ability test, a dog is not being judged on Obedience.  As the name implies, the test is a measure of a dog’s inherited natural abilities including Nose, Search, Pointing, Cooperation, and Desire.

Thinking beyond Natural Ability evaluation, a key NAVDHA principle is that the the judging of “pointing” ends when a dog on point “is aware of the presence of the handler.”  The reason this is an important concept is that it defines the transition between what a dog coming into contact with a bird does naturally (Pointing and Cooperation) and Trained Obedience.  Obtaining steadiness in a bird dog requires Trained Obedience.

The pup is also not being judged on Retrieving, either of birds in the field or bumpers in the water.  In the Natural Ability test, because dogs are not expected to be steady, they will most likely run down and catch a flushed bird.  Some dogs that are natural retrievers and exhibit a lot of cooperation will bring these birds back to or near the handler,  and move on with the test.   If your dog does this, be happy with it and encourage it!   For dogs that do not willingly bring birds back (playing keep away, for example,) caution should be taken not to train (i.e force fetch, conditioned retrieve)  the dog to retrieve to the handler, as it may affect the dog’s Desire, Search, Pointing, or even willingness to enter the Water after a bumper toss.

The NAVHDA AIMS Programs Book states that a puppy is eligible to run their NA test up until the day they turn 16 months of age.  While all dogs are different, and develop at different rates, this 16 months of age timeline perhaps should not be ignored, even for dogs who have already run or are not running the natural ability test.  A dog at least 16 months old has had more time to mature and form a bond with its owner/handler.  Being around gunfire and wild birds in real hunting situations will also build a pup’s confidence prior  to being subjected to the training pressure it takes to becoming a “finished” gun dog.

Young dogs that have not had enough proper bird and field exposure can have their natural abilities diminished by the obedience training required to achieve steadiness and a finished retrieve.  Obedience training requires “pressure” and all dogs react differently to various types and levels of corrective training pressure.  Pressure can come in the form of physical or verbal commands, a check cord,  an e-collar, gunfire, or even a poorly timed launch of a release trap.    Some dogs can take a lot of pressure without affecting or diminishing their inherent natural abilities. Some cannot.

Dogs learn by association and the last thing you want is for a pup to associate negative experiences (too much training pressure) with the tasks of searching, pointing  birds, swimming and having fun.    Some traits exhibited by over-pressured dogs:

  • Lack of Intensity on Point
  • Flagging tail on Point
  • Taking out and/or mutilating birds
  • Blinking (avoiding birds)
  • Diminished Search (clinging to handler)
  • Avoiding the field altogether
  • Avoiding the Water
  • Gun Shyness

The pace at which a dog develops and when to apply certain training techniques to achieve your goals with your dog is a personal decision.  Understanding the proper amount of corrective pressure to use with your dog and thinking about some basic NAVHDA principles related to pointing and steadiness just might help you avoid some mistakes and setbacks.